Physician Licensure Specialists


Doctors Licensure Group offers medical licensing services for doctors, nurses, and physician assistants. We can also complete applications that have been initiated, research states that are a good match for your qualifications, or help you renew or reinstate your medical license. Don't tackle these tasks on your own. We have over 20 years of experience and a thorough knowledge of each state's requirements and processes.

Full Medical Licensing Services
Full Medical Licensing Service (PA)

This service is designed for physician's assistants that want us to coordinate the entire licensure process. Professional services include state board pre-qualification, consultation, recommendations, application preparation, malpractice and discipline narratives, individual board credentialing (both nationally and internationally), tracking and monitoring of all correspondence, and correction of discrepancies (where admissible). We offer special discounts to resident physicians and/or returning clients.

Full Medical Licensing Service (MD Or DO)

 This service is designed for physicians that want us to coordinate the entire licensure process. Professional services include state board pre-qualification, consultation, recommendations, application preparation, malpractice and discipline narratives, individual board credentialing (both nationally and internationally), tracking and monitoring of all correspondence, and correction of discrepancies (where admissible). We offer special discounts to resident physicians and/or returning clients.

Full Medical Licensing Service (CRNA Or RN)

This service is designed for CRNAs or RNs that want us to coordinate the entire licensure process. Professional services include state board pre-qualification, consultation, recommendations, application preparation, malpractice and discipline narratives, individual board credentialing (both nationally and internationally), tracking and monitoring of all correspondence, and correction of discrepancies (where admissible). We offer special discounts to resident physicians and/or returning clients.

Other services and packages
Completion Service

If you have already submitted your application to the board, and just need help with any remaining portion of the process, this service is for you. We will pick up wherever you left off, first by determining the deficiencies, and taking the necessary steps to meet the board’s requirements to finalize the process.

Research Service

Do you need help identifying which state will consider your current qualifications? Have you a complicated qualification track, multiple examination attempts, history of licensure actions or other problems? Our research services will save you time and aggravation, and advise you as to the best course of action to meet your needs. We will prepare a specifically tailored report reflecting the results of our research. This report can be as simple as laying the pathway needed to become licensed in one state, or as complex as outlining your eligibility pathway for all U.S. states and its territories. Either way, you will benefit from our current resources, and years of experience.

Renewal, Reinstatement, Credentialing and More

This service may be utilized for licensure renewal or reinstatement, Hospital Credentialing, FCVS application, updating your curriculum vitae, performing queries, verifying credentials, DEA registration, examination registration, correspondence preparation, etc.

Pre-qualify – Free consultation

You practice medicine, leave the license to us.

Get Started Now


We have answers! Call (850)478-9620, send an e-mail to or submit a question through our contact page.